Poet vs deadsimplelog

Poet and deadsimplelog are both open source static site generators written in JavaScript, but that's where the similarities end. See the full comparison of Poet and deadsimplelog.

Property Poet deadsimplelog
Language JavaScript JavaScript
Templates Jade HTML
License MIT MIT

Poet benefits

Poet has your code-blogging back. Renders markdown, jade, or any templated files as posts, tag it up with metadata that's passed into any view engine you want, instant pagination, tag and category views, and home in time for dinner.

View the source for jsantell.com to see an example of Poet in use. Much <3 to Brittany Fedor for the sweet art!

The Node Poet

deadsimplelog benefits

Static web blog generator with simplistic configuration that aims for being dead simple.

As you can see, there is nothing fancy about it. This is just a project used by myself for blogging. If this ever become useful to someone else, feel free to submit an issue or a pull request :)